Progress bar proposal
Jacob Potter
2002-01-16 21:28:16 UTC
One simple way to modify the display to show non-SliMP3 data is to
use curl or wget to access the SliMP3 server and change the display
that way. If you do this, then you won't have to modify the SliMP3
server code to get your custom data displayed. (Downside: this
works for display only, we don't have a way to extend the use of the
IR remote via HTTP. But we should.)
Here's a script to do that (slightly) more easily:


wget -q -O /dev/null $URL

Note that there should be a line to url-encode (s/ /%20/, etc) the
commands, but I haven't found a utility to do that. (I think I'll
re-write the script in Perl.) Should I check the script into CVS?

- Jacob
"Terminak #3 has bad keyboard. Pkease fix."

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dean blackketter
2002-01-16 16:13:42 UTC
One simple way to modify the display to show non-SliMP3 data is to
use curl or wget to access the SliMP3 server and change the display
that way. If you do this, then you won't have to modify the SliMP3
server code to get your custom data displayed. (Downside: this
works for display only, we don't have a way to extend the use of the
IR remote via HTTP. But we should.)

Check out the README.HTTP.html file for details controlling the
SliMP3 via HTTP, here's a trivial example:

wget http://slimserver:9000/display?p1=Hello&p2=World&p3=30

This would put up:


on the display for 30 seconds or until the user used the IR remote...

All of these are really great ideas, why not implement them all, and then
make a configuration option for the display. Better yet, would there be a
way to make all these cool widgets exist "in the background" so that I
could just edit a variable and completely customize my display?
$line1 = $Function." ".$PlayTime." ".$ProgressBar." Vol: ".$Volume;
$line2 = "[".$PlayListPosition."/".$PlayListTotal."] Playing: ".$Artist." -
01:33 [##### ] Vol: 99
[12/100] Playing: Scandal - The Warrior
Of course long lines would scroll like they do now.
I really like the idea of this actually...... Ive been playing around with
a small 16x2 LCD display hooked up to my PC of late, and the controlling
software (LCD Center) allows you to customise what is displayed on each line.
For instance, I currently have the current time, and the CPU temp on the
top line, and the machines Uptime, and CPU Load on the 2nd line. The 2
lines in setup look like this (where the [ ] is the enterable text box)
Line 1 : [$TIME - $TEMP2 ]
Line 2 : [$UPTIME - $CPULOAD% ]
The software knows that $TIME is a variable for the current time, $TEMP2 is
the 2nd sensor on my motherboard, $UPTIME is the machines uptime, and
$CPULOAD shows the load on the CPU. All other text (spaces, dashes and %
etc) are straight text which show up exactly as I type it.
Being able to set this by the user would be brilliant. It would be nice
eventually to be able to do this off the remote and from the website, but I
would imagine initially something like a display.pl script that works
similar (or in conjunction with) the setup.pl script. Running this script
at any time will allow you to adjust your default display and save the
options to a conf file like the setup.pl file does (or even use the same file)
Something I also just thought of.... You could even allow multiple
different display profiles that could be switched between by pressing the
DISP button. So for instance if I have 3 saved display profiles, I can
press the DISP button to scroll between the below 3 configs/displays.
Now Playing (4 of 13): 01:33
4. Unskinny Bop 160k
$DISP is the value of the curent generic display (Random, straight etc)
There is a space after the display (straight ASCII text)
$POS which is the position of the playlist
$FILL is to fill with space, and push everything after $FILL to the right
$PLAYTIME is the value of the elapsed time of the track
$TRACK is the value of the Track Number from the ID3 tag
$SONG is the value of the Song Title from the ID3 tag
$BITRATE is the value of the encoding bitrate of the mp3.
2: Line 1 : [ $ARTIST / $ALBUM ]
Line 2 : [ $TRACK $SONG ]
Poison / Flesh N' Blood
4. Unskinny Bop
$ARTIST is the value of the Artist field from the ID3 tag
[space]/[space] displays it as its typed " / "
$ALBUM is the value of the Album field from the ID3 tag
Line 2 : [ $POS Playing: $SONG ]
03:12 [############## ] Vol: 55
(4 of 13): Unskinny Bop
$REMAINTIME is the value of the amount of time remaining on the mp3
$PROGBAR is the display currently being talked about. Can fill the gap ?
[space]Vol:[space] displays " Vol: "
$VOLUME is the numerical value of the current volume setting
[space]Playing:[space] displays " Playing: "
I believe this is a good thing for the unit simply because it puts the
control of the display in the hands of the owner. And even if the owner
wants to use this feature for stupid things, and put up messages to piss
his mates off at the press of a button, what does it matter (it'll probably
annoy his mate into buying one too so he can do it :P)
CDR - Crowley Digital Reproductions - Hard Rock & Heavy Metal CD Bootlegs
My ICQ # is 1096929
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dean blackketter
2003-02-22 13:09:51 UTC
<!doctype html public "-//W3C//DTD W3 HTML//EN">
<head><style type="text/css"><!--
blockquote, dl, ul, ol, li { padding-top: 0 ; padding-bottom: 0 }
--></style><title>Re: [slimp3-dev] Progress bar
<div>One simple way to modify the display to show non-SliMP3 data is
to use curl or wget to access the SliMP3 server and change the display
that way.&nbsp;&nbsp; If you do this, then you won't have to modify
the SliMP3 server code to get your custom data displayed.&nbsp;
(Downside:&nbsp; this works for display only, we don't have a way to
extend the use of the IR remote via HTTP.&nbsp; But we should.)</div>
<div>Check out the README.HTTP.html file for details controlling the
SliMP3 via HTTP, here's a trivial example:</div>
<div>This would put up:</div>
<div>on the display for 30 seconds or until the user used the IR
<blockquote type="cite" cite>At 01:36 PM 15/01/2002, you wrote:<br>
&gt;All of these are really great ideas, why not implement them all,
and then<br>
&gt;make a configuration option for the display.&nbsp; Better yet,
would there be a<br>
&gt;way to make all these cool widgets exist &quot;in the background&quot;
so that I<br>
&gt;could just edit a variable and completely customize my
&gt;For example:<br>
&gt;$line1 = $Function.&quot; &quot;.$PlayTime.&quot;
&quot;.$ProgressBar.&quot; Vol: &quot;.$Volume;<br>
&gt;$line2 =
Playing: &quot;.$Artist.&quot; -<br>
&gt;And this might give me a display that looks something like:<br>
&gt; &gt; 01:33
</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ] Vol: 99<br>
&gt;[12/100] Playing: Scandal - The Warrior<br>
&gt;Of course long lines would scroll like they do now.<br>
I really like the idea of this actually...... Ive been playing around
with <br>
a small 16x2 LCD display hooked up to my PC of late, and the
controlling <br>
software (LCD Center) allows you to customise what is displayed on
each line.<br>
For instance, I currently have the current time, and the CPU temp on
the <br>
top line, and the machines Uptime, and CPU Load on the 2nd line. The 2
lines in setup look like this (where the [&nbsp;&nbsp; ] is the
enterable text box)<br>
Line 1 : [$TIME -
Line 2 : [$UPTIME - $CPULOAD%&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
The software knows that $TIME is a variable for the current time,
$TEMP2 is <br>
the 2nd sensor on my motherboard, $UPTIME is the machines uptime, and
$CPULOAD shows the load on the CPU. All other text (spaces, dashes and
% <br>
etc) are straight text which show up exactly as I type it.<br>
Being able to set this by the user would be brilliant. It would be
nice <br>
eventually to be able to do this off the remote and from the website,
but I <br>
would imagine initially something like a display.pl script that works
similar (or in conjunction with) the setup.pl script. Running this
script <br>
at any time will allow you to adjust your default display and save the
options to a conf file like the setup.pl file does (or even use the
same file)<br>
Something I also just thought of.... You could even allow multiple
different&nbsp; display profiles that could be switched between by
pressing the <br>
DISP button. So for instance if I have 3 saved display profiles, I can
press the DISP button to scroll between the below 3
<blockquote type="cite" cite><br></blockquote>
<blockquote type="cite"
<blockquote type="cite" cite><br></blockquote>
<blockquote type="cite" cite>1:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Line 1 : [$DISP
<blockquote type="cite" cite>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Line
2 : [$TRACK $SONG$FILL$BITRATE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Now Playing (4 of
</span>&nbsp;&nbsp; 01:33<br>
4. Unskinny
$DISP is the value of the curent generic display (Random, straight
There is a space after the display (straight ASCII text)<br>
$POS which is the position of the playlist<br>
$FILL is to fill with space, and push everything after $FILL to the
$PLAYTIME is the value of the elapsed time of the track<br>
$TRACK is the value of the Track Number from the ID3 tag<br>
$SONG is the value of the Song Title from the ID3 tag<br>
$BITRATE is the value of the encoding bitrate of the mp3.<br>
2:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Line 1 : [ $ARTIST /
</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ]<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Line 2 : [ $TRACK
</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ]<br>
Poison / Flesh N' Blood<br>
4. Unskinny Bop<br>
$ARTIST is the value of the Artist field from the ID3 tag<br>
[space]/[space] displays it as its typed &quot; / &quot;<br>
$ALBUM is the value of the Album field from the ID3 tag<br>
3:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Line 1 : [ $REMAINTIME $PROGBAR Vol:
$VOLUME&nbsp;&nbsp; ]<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Line 2 : [ $POS Playing:
</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ]<br>
03:12 [##############&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
] Vol: 55<br>
(4 of 13): Unskinny Bop<br>
$REMAINTIME is the value of the amount of time remaining on the
$PROGBAR is the display currently being talked about. Can fill the gap
[space]Vol:[space] displays &quot; Vol: &quot;<br>
$VOLUME is the numerical value of the current volume setting<br>
[space]Playing:[space] displays &quot; Playing: &quot;<br>
I believe this is a good thing for the unit simply because it puts the
control of the display in the hands of the owner. And even if the
owner <br>
wants to use this feature for stupid things, and put up messages to
piss <br>
his mates off at the press of a button, what does it matter (it'll
probably <br>
annoy his mate into buying one too so he can do it :P)<br>
CDR - Crowley Digital Reproductions - Hard Rock &amp; Heavy Metal CD
My ICQ # is 1096929<br>
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Chris Aitken
2002-01-16 15:01:36 UTC
All of these are really great ideas, why not implement them all, and then
make a configuration option for the display. Better yet, would there be a
way to make all these cool widgets exist "in the background" so that I
could just edit a variable and completely customize my display?
$line1 = $Function." ".$PlayTime." ".$ProgressBar." Vol: ".$Volume;
$line2 = "[".$PlayListPosition."/".$PlayListTotal."] Playing: ".$Artist." -
01:33 [##### ] Vol: 99
[12/100] Playing: Scandal - The Warrior
Of course long lines would scroll like they do now.
I really like the idea of this actually...... Ive been playing around with
a small 16x2 LCD display hooked up to my PC of late, and the controlling
software (LCD Center) allows you to customise what is displayed on each line.

For instance, I currently have the current time, and the CPU temp on the
top line, and the machines Uptime, and CPU Load on the 2nd line. The 2
lines in setup look like this (where the [ ] is the enterable text box)

Line 1 : [$TIME - $TEMP2 ]
Line 2 : [$UPTIME - $CPULOAD% ]

The software knows that $TIME is a variable for the current time, $TEMP2 is
the 2nd sensor on my motherboard, $UPTIME is the machines uptime, and
$CPULOAD shows the load on the CPU. All other text (spaces, dashes and %
etc) are straight text which show up exactly as I type it.

Being able to set this by the user would be brilliant. It would be nice
eventually to be able to do this off the remote and from the website, but I
would imagine initially something like a display.pl script that works
similar (or in conjunction with) the setup.pl script. Running this script
at any time will allow you to adjust your default display and save the
options to a conf file like the setup.pl file does (or even use the same file)

Something I also just thought of.... You could even allow multiple
different display profiles that could be switched between by pressing the
DISP button. So for instance if I have 3 saved display profiles, I can
press the DISP button to scroll between the below 3 configs/displays.



Now Playing (4 of 13): 01:33
4. Unskinny Bop 160k

$DISP is the value of the curent generic display (Random, straight etc)
There is a space after the display (straight ASCII text)
$POS which is the position of the playlist
$FILL is to fill with space, and push everything after $FILL to the right
$PLAYTIME is the value of the elapsed time of the track
$TRACK is the value of the Track Number from the ID3 tag
$SONG is the value of the Song Title from the ID3 tag
$BITRATE is the value of the encoding bitrate of the mp3.


2: Line 1 : [ $ARTIST / $ALBUM ]
Line 2 : [ $TRACK $SONG ]

Poison / Flesh N' Blood
4. Unskinny Bop

$ARTIST is the value of the Artist field from the ID3 tag
[space]/[space] displays it as its typed " / "
$ALBUM is the value of the Album field from the ID3 tag



Line 2 : [ $POS Playing: $SONG ]

03:12 [############## ] Vol: 55
(4 of 13): Unskinny Bop

$REMAINTIME is the value of the amount of time remaining on the mp3
$PROGBAR is the display currently being talked about. Can fill the gap ?
[space]Vol:[space] displays " Vol: "
$VOLUME is the numerical value of the current volume setting
[space]Playing:[space] displays " Playing: "


I believe this is a good thing for the unit simply because it puts the
control of the display in the hands of the owner. And even if the owner
wants to use this feature for stupid things, and put up messages to piss
his mates off at the press of a button, what does it matter (it'll probably
annoy his mate into buying one too so he can do it :P)


CDR - Crowley Digital Reproductions - Hard Rock & Heavy Metal CD Bootlegs

My ICQ # is 1096929

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Brian R. Swan
2002-01-15 19:36:56 UTC
All of these are really great ideas, why not implement them all, and then
make a configuration option for the display. Better yet, would there be a
way to make all these cool widgets exist "in the background" so that I
could just edit a variable and completely customize my display?
For example:
$line1 = $Function." ".$PlayTime." ".$ProgressBar." Vol: ".$Volume;
$line2 = "[".$PlayListPosition."/".$PlayListTotal."] Playing: ".$Artist." -

$Function = the "icon" for Stop, Play, Pause, whatever
$PlayTime = time into the song
$ProgressBar = The progress bar
$Volume = the current volume setting
$PlayListPosition = Which song in the playlist
$PlayListTotal = Total songs in playlist
$Aartist = ID3 tag for the artist
$Title = ID3 tag for the title

And this might give me a display that looks something like:
01:33 [##### ] Vol: 99
[12/100] Playing: Scandal - The Warrior
Of course long lines would scroll like they do now.

Neat thing could also be done where we pass options to some of these like
$ProgressBar(5) will make a progress bar 5 characters long, or a 0 will
make it change based on screen real-estate. Additionally, variables could
be made for file names, time and date, ip address, outside weather
conditions, whatever.

What would be even cooler, would be to take a remote button, and map it to
a screen change (or DISP could just be used like now) so that it would be
possible to have many customized screens depending on what I want to see at
a particular time. For example, I could have a screen with a big progress
bar, and just the song name, then one that displays all the crap that's
neat to see like the bit rate, etc, etc. The possibilities are endless! ;)

Now if only I knew how to program...

"I'm not a programmer, but I play one on TV"
Progress bar proposalDean, your proposal is really neat.
I hate to fill everyone's inbox with more email tonight for a simple
&gt; -00:00 000kbps 00kHz [########] Stereo
[#/#] Artist - Title
progress bar. The bottom line would contain the artist and song and
would scroll if too long to display on the screen. The advantage here
is that it displays all the nifty, yet useless information such as the
bitrate and frequency.
----- Original Message -----
From: dean blackketter
Hi all,
Here's a proposal for the progress bar.
Now Playing (1 of
01:33 1. Theme to Rocky and Bullwinkle
I'd like to insert the progress bar after the colon, but before the
time: ----------------------------------------
Now Playing (1 of 100) XXXXXXXXXXX 01:33
1. Theme to Rocky and Bullwinkle
Where the XXXXXXXXX would be the progress bar.
The first is a slightly more than half-way status.
The second is at the end of the song
The third is at the beginning of a song.
We'd use custom characters to fill the characters one pixel at a time.
The bar would be resized to fit in that space for when there are large
numbers in the playlist index, song count or minute field.
The bar is dithered to keep the graphic from overwhelming the
display.&nbsp; The dither pattern alternates between characters to make
it look continuous. (There are about two pixel-widths worth of space
between characters.) Once there's an API for custom characters, I'd be
happy to implement this, if noone has any serious objections.
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Nicholas Clark
2002-01-15 03:21:55 UTC
Progress bar proposalDean, your proposal is really neat.

I hate to fill everyone's inbox with more email tonight for a simple idea,
but ideas are good, so here is another possible idea:
-00:00 000kbps 00kHz [########] Stereo
[#/#] Artist - Title
Where > is the universal play icon and [########] is your proposed progress
bar. The bottom line would contain the artist and song and would scroll if
too long to display on the screen. The advantage here is that it displays
all the nifty, yet useless information such as the bitrate and frequency.

----- Original Message -----
From: dean blackketter

Hi all,
Here's a proposal for the progress bar.
Currently when we are displaying the current song it looks like this:
Now Playing (1 of 100): 01:33
1. Theme to Rocky and Bullwinkle
I'd like to insert the progress bar after the colon, but before the time:
Now Playing (1 of 100) XXXXXXXXXXX 01:33
1. Theme to Rocky and Bullwinkle
Where the XXXXXXXXX would be the progress bar.
Here's a sample graphic of the progress bar custom characters:
The first is a slightly more than half-way status.
The second is at the end of the song
The third is at the beginning of a song.
We'd use custom characters to fill the characters one pixel at a time.
The bar would be resized to fit in that space for when there are large
numbers in the playlist index, song count or minute field.
The bar is dithered to keep the graphic from overwhelming the display. The
dither pattern alternates between characters to make it look continuous.
(There are about two pixel-widths worth of space between characters.)
Once there's an API for custom characters, I'd be happy to implement this,
if noone has any serious objections.

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dean blackketter
2002-01-15 00:24:35 UTC
dean blackketter
2003-02-22 13:10:36 UTC
<!doctype html public "-//W3C//DTD W3 HTML//EN">
<head><style type="text/css"><!--
blockquote, dl, ul, ol, li { padding-top: 0 ; padding-bottom: 0 }
--></style><title>Progress bar proposal</title></head><body>
<div>Hi all,</div>
<div>Here's a proposal for the progress bar.</div>
<div>Currently when we are displaying the current song it looks like
<div>Now Playing (1 of
<div>1. Theme to Rocky and Bullwinkle</div>
<div>I'd like to insert the progress bar after the colon, but before
the time:</div>
<div>Now Playing (1 of 100) XXXXXXXXXXX 01:33</div>
<div>1. Theme to Rocky and Bullwinkle</div>
<div>Where the XXXXXXXXX would be the progress bar.</div>
<div>Here's a sample graphic of the progress bar custom
<div><img src="x-eudora-file:P2B210EF6"></div>
<div>The first is a slightly more than half-way status.</div>
<div>The second is at the end of the song</div>
<div>The third is at the beginning of a song.</div>
<div>We'd use custom characters to fill the characters one pixel at a
<div>The bar would be resized to fit in that space for when there are
large numbers in the playlist index, song count or minute field.</div>
<div>The bar is dithered to keep the graphic from overwhelming the
display.&nbsp; The dither pattern alternates between characters to
make it look continuous.&nbsp; (There are about two pixel-widths worth
of space between characters.)</div>
<div>Once there's an API for custom characters, I'd be happy to
implement this, if noone has any serious objections.</div>
